Tuesday, July 28, 2009

REGISTRATION-- back to school.

--It looks like I will (once again) be in attendance, school starts August 17th. I've got my classes together & an appointment at the counseling office tomorrow morning. Can't really say that I am over the heels excited for the return, but I am excited for the results that will be after this semester. I plan on going into this semester differently, focused & not taken lightly (at all). School is serious business & will take me to where I want to be, with the pay that I want. Although I am not full-out sure of the direction I am headed in, I know that in all that I plan to do I will be a step further than I was when I first started. With very few weeks left of summer I am doing all I can to enjoy this beautiful weather, time seems to go so quickly, and i'll be damned if I don't go all out :) To those of you who are in the same boat, Good luck to you ! & to those who start school a few months down the line or already graduated GGGRRR ! haha jk...

All Love,


Anonymous said...

lol, this summer has been wack im ready for school!

dauché said...

haha ! shiiiet, honestly the summer has been a bit weak. not like other summers, one bit. school should be interesting :)

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