Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Don't Sleep...

WNBA is in full affect (as of June 6th) and I am ready for action, looking forward to seeing my girl Charde Houston put it down, as well as Candace Wiggins (both representatives of my hometown). I am excited and can't wait ! May this be a good season and hopefully i'll actually attend a game vs. watching via-T.V. One thing that I find to be bitter-sweet is the possible absence of Candace Parker, due to her new born child (May 13,2009-- babygirl). The WNBA is concerned about her return and I've already heard that she's going to be sitting out. If true, aww man ! Then again, i'll trust that this season will be one of the best seasons that will bring out the most talent (benefit of the doubt). All I have to say is, Don't sleep...

check the; Game Schedules


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