Monday, December 29, 2008

Just got back from seeing seven pounds...

of course i have some words. not too much giving my feedback about the film, you know... what i liked, what i didn't like. i will say this, it makes you think & appreciate things in life that you may never give credit. some may ask, why was it called seven pounds? was it clear to you? what was your perception? well, now i have been in deep thought for the past 20 minutes. just thinking, taking a step back & looking at my life. its almost 2009; & yes 2008 was an interesting year; full of ups & down, smiles & frowns. but i must appreciate every second, every moment... why? because it made me stronger. do you not appreciate the bullshxt you've gone through to get to where you are now? it was a long lonely road for you maybe, but it makes you a better person. the only thing we can do is be ourselves, may no one be able to walk a mile in our shoes ... but can you walk a mile in theirs? don't be selfish, there's always someone else worse off than you (i am taking mental notes as i write this). many of you are starting to write your new years resolutions, there are so many goals & dreams that you want to accomplish, so you work towards your goals & try your hardest to stay motivated. don't give up. ok; well now i am ranting on, hoping not to loose you (the reader) in my thought process. i took a moment to look at the stars & see how beautiful they are. took a moment to breath in the 38 degree weather & get oxygen with no problem. got a change to stare at my boyfriend as he is sleeping at this very moment, & my am i blessed, very fortunate, very thankful. so i ask myself, am i living life? am i too worried about the thoughts & words of others? sometimes, and one of my resolutions is to finally live my life (to the fullest). carefree, & not sweat the little things...

to be continued....


[$ H A R O N A] said...

thats so true. i always say it can be worse or someone is doing worse.

Anonymous said...

your blog made me think a lot! especially the part about being selfish :-\

iM.R0Ni said...

so true. everytime somethin happens to me i say... well i could be worse so let me stop complaining.

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