Thursday, October 23, 2008

Late Night Blogging; Thinking... too much...

Listening to Slow Jams (& No im not lonely) in a deep thought process. My mac is dying, I'm in the dark, posting threads for my online marketing class, watching "Fun with Dick and Jane" with Jim Carey (one of my favorite comedians), looking for a new job. I've watched about four episodes of "South of Nowhere", one "True Blood" episode, a few music videos, a episode of Little British USA (very hilarious) and have been reading blogs; updates on blogspot from those who I am following, as well as celebrity blogs. Man, life is life and you've got to do what you've got to do. I feel like maybe I'm the only one left on earth that lacks self motivation at times, honestly my thoughts run scrambled. Maybe I think too damn much (I've been told that several times; I mean its not a new discovery). I beat myself up so damn much its not even funny. I mean shxt, can I get a break from myself? haha; sometimes I feel like I'm just a bit out of sane. Then I think to myself "Why do I care so much?", I know what I need to do... and that is Let The Fk' Go; man I promise Id be dope as fk' if I do. Someone please throw me the key; I am a prisoner in my own mind, of my words, and my actions. Simply an inner battle that I've been struggling with since birth. Its all a fk'd up mind game. What sucks most is when you try to explain yourself to people and they don't get it. Its not just your lack of communication, its their thought process that will not allow them to put your life in perspective. I haven't stayed up this late in a while, so you know something is bothering me. Damn, I've got some work to do [smh] what a drag. Time stays still for no one; so why should I sit still and let time pass me by? fk" that ! "Time for some Action". (Have you ever felt dejavu in dimension 6?; all bad). I mean ladies and gentlemen, I hope you didn't get the idea that I was normal (far from it). I am wounded without second guesses, but like I said before its all mental. My wounds will disappear as soon as I find the special chip to install into this shadowed head of mine. Sometimes I feel like a psycho (ever talk to yourself and realize your just not there?) lmfao. A tragic mind maze. Dark outer circle. Interesting site to the eyes of perfect vision. The show must go on; I've been stationary for too long. My question is "What is another mans word?" shxt just a boost of energy to get you on your way or a chainsaw to cut you down and put a halt to your personal growth. The mind is very powerful. I may not be able to survive in your shoes, but you sure as hell can't walk a day in my nikes. Everything that I value other throw in the garbage, I don't get that... simple things like Love and Forgiveness, i'm just too damn concerned. Live my Life; came alone, die alone... the thought of that brings me at a crossroads with formations of water of uncertainty. [smh] anyway ... moving along ... sleep insomnia have decided to come together and produce this blog. [random thought; no one really posts comments...interesting]... I'm going to hit the shower and clear my mind; to reset it for tomorrow (like its a damn nintendo or something lmfao)...

-dauche; signing off at 2:45am


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