Wednesday, September 10, 2008

overall day; feeling accomplished?

ok; so im pretty sure everyone tries to have a productive lifestyle, or shxt everyone just wants to feel accomplished day by day; its funny how some days you have a whole line of plans/goals that you want to get-er-done by the end of the day but you blow it off to do such a thing as sleep or play ball or what have you. pretty much something that ends up distracting you from this. i understand that everyone "says" that they have the mentality to stay on top of things, but jeez a nxggas A.D.D. starts to kick in, or you just dont feel like forcing yourself. then here comes procrastination lurking along [thinking; this is some bullshit] smh; always remember procrastination kills dreams; however sometimes depending on the person it can be most rewarding. that sounds fk'n stupid you may think, but i know some people who do better when under last minute pressure. just because you procrastinate does not mean that you will not accomplish anything; its just slower than planned haha. so ive noticed i like to type & rant on...random; lmfao. ok back on feeling accomplished; so when you blow things off do you feel bad?; or do you keep it pushin? and is it necessarily easier for you to do it when you plan it, procrastinate, or does it not have an effect? answer that for me...shxt if anyone actually reads this shxt. hahahaha.
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