"Zen Habits is about finding simplicity in the daily chaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what’s important, create something amazing, find happiness." -Leo Babauta
A Gift from me to you -- One of my favorite daily reads is Zen Habits. I mean, I do look at more than sneaker, music, clothing, and social networking sites. One day I was browsing the web and I stumbled across this site, I fell in love. There is nothing like finding good reads regarding topics you can relate and apply to your daily routines. This site will HELP YOU with anything and I mean ANYTHING. Feel like you need some motivation? Go to Zen Habits, Are you trying to get rid of the procrastinator you've always been? Go to Zen Habits. Are you working yourself too hard, in a unhealthy manner? Go to Zen Habits. This is serious. The sites purpose is to help you simplify your life. Learn to wake up early, learn how to say no, to make great business decisions, and so much more. This is definitely something that will help you jump start your day. You will even learn how to embrace yourself (flaws and all), embrace change, and embrace others as they are (if you haven't already). I honestly don't want to go on and on, its best if you read it for yourself, because the site speaks for itself. Enjoy and tell me what you think. I've also recommended this site to some of my loved ones and haven't heard any complaints.
Here are some of my favorite articles:
- A Guide to Cultivating Compassion in Your Life, With 7 Practices
- The Magical Power of Focus
- 20 Ways to Eliminate Stress From Your Life
- Edit Your Life, Part 1: Commitments
- The tao of productivity
So much more to list, but i'll stop here.
*When visiting the site, on the right side click on 'Archives' to view all posts :)
follow: @ZenHabits
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