Saturday, April 3, 2010

Deal Of The Day - @ShopOverload

To those of you into street wear and all that good stuff (like I) make sure to check out's Deal Of The Day. This is not a false advertisement or shameless promotion just to drag you to the site, this is reality. Over at Overload, they've decided to add this special feature to the shop, which I think is genius. Overload Skateshop carries well-known brands from Diamond Supply Co., to Black Scale, DTA, Krew, and much more. You have the opportunity to not only get great deals from buying online (and at the shop) but every day, Deal Of The Day hooks you up with an item taking its original price and knocking it to as low as 6 dollars. Yesterday's DOTD was the DTA Jacket below (click image to enlarge):

follow: @ShopOverload
*the blog is back :)


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