Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Random Photographs; 03172010 - @dauche

These photos were taken a while back (about a month ago) on what seemed to be one of the most refreshing (best) days I've had in a while. I promise you I smiled the entire day. I sat back and enjoyed the little things that life has to offer. The beach is where I find peace and I'm sure the I'm not the only one who likes to escape to the sand.

Its funny how I have yet to post photos from my nikon but keep posting these joints from my 6.0 Megapixel Polaroid i634, there is a reason for this, I need photoshop ! I'll be installing it this weekend and am very excited to share what I have. In the mean time, enjoy !

Lovely Sunny San Diego, CA -- Belmont Park

click images to enlarge


Hustla said...

Cool pics man. Once your start using your Nikon its over lol because the pics you're taking with your Polaroid are quality.

dauché said...

Thank you ! I appreciate it :)

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